Road Safety Rules & Tips to Follow In Odisha

The road mishap causality rate is higher in Odisha in comparison to the all-India figure. In every 100 road mishaps, nearly 46 persons have lost their life in the state, whereas the national average is 29. According to the statistic 78% of persons killed in accidents belong to the 15-45 years age group. Odisha is in fact one of the 5 states along with UP, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Assam to have recorded increase in causalities during the period 2018 whereas the rest of the countries have actually decreased road mishap fatalities. As per the report, the prime reason of rising number of road accidents in Odisha is poor compliance of road safety norms by motorists. Drunk driving, overloading and over speeding of vehicles are also other major contributors. Awareness of road safety rules certainly holds the key to keep accidents in control. Here are some Do’s and Don’ts associated with road safety that you must follow to avoid any sort of mishap on the r...